Only by purchasing from us will you receive deluxe instructions explaining a complete routine with lots of cool moves. All others only include basic instructions. For living room or stage. IT'S OUT OF THIS WORLD! HIGHLY RECOMMENDED - EASY TO DO! This specially design version is perfect for the stage or larger venues. Positively the most amazing magic effect of it's kind. Magician tells story that the SHINY SILVERY BALL ball is actually a Zombie trapped in the shape of a sphere & that he must control it with the cloth he holds. The ball is seen resting on the stand. He holds the two ends of the cloth & brings it in front of the ball. Slowly & unbelievably the form of the ball rises, taking the cloth with it - it rises up & up until it is clear of the table. It floats so high the magician has to stand on his toes to bring it down! Ball can do this as many times as desired as it's fully under your control. It then peeks over the top of the cloth, then down again, finally coming to rest on its stand. So easy to do, but fascinating to watch. You will even enjoy doing it in front of the mirror. No threads or assistants used. Complete with stand. Large 5 inch diameter size HIGHLY POLISHED ALUMINUM BALL Complete with matching aluminum stand. Not included is required special size opaque cloth (described on this page) |