Cups and Balls are one of the most loved effects in the history of magic!
Every magician learns this effect, which dates back to the time of the Egyptian Pharos. Maybe the $1000 sterling silver cup version is not in your budget and you are ready for the upgrade from little plastic cups.
UMSI Cups are made from brushed spun aluminum & are the standard size & shape accepted throughout the world -an outcome of years of research and development. We include two basic routines (non sleights and sleights) just to start you with.
Beginners to professionals have used cups like these to learn and perform the Cups and Balls effect and NOW YOU CAN TOO! This is not the three-shell game but an advanced feat of magic! Balls APPEAR, DISAPPEAR and TRANSFORM under these cups. Hundreds of books and DVD's have been produced just for this classic of magic.
The basic effect described is just the beginning of what this set amazingly can do without sleight of hand.
Basic Effect: Three stacked aluminum cups are shown to be solid and empty. There are no trap doors or gimmicks of any kind. Three beautiful red crocheted balls (colors may vary) are displayed in front of the cups. One ball is placed on the center cup and covered with the other 2 cups. Give the cups a tap and the stack is lifted to find the ball has MELTED through the cups and landed on the table! They will not believe it so you do it again. You lay out all the cups covering the ball in the center and put one cup on it and then a ball and then a cup. Now you tap TWO times and when the stack is lifted, THE SECOND BALL HAS PENETRATED THE CUPS to join the ball on the table.
WOW - solid through solid WITHOUT sleight of hand! But that's not all. You repeat it with the third ball penetrating the cups again!
There are many more magic things you can do with the cups and balls:
Advanced Effects: With just a little practice you place one ball in your pocket and it reappears under the cup! You can vanish one ball in your bare hand and have it reappear in the cup. You can have the balls appear at the cup of their choice and even transform the balls into an apple, egg, lemon or orange. (Anything that you can fit in the cup will work!)
- Specially designed cups are UNGIMMICKED and may be handed out for examination
- Brushed aluminum means the cups have a gentle soft shine which holds up better to scratches over time
- Each cup measures 3 inches tall with a 2.5 inch diameter
- Included are attractive 1" red crocheted balls. This added feature allows the balls to roll only when you want them and quiet them when you need silence.
- Instructions for the basic effect and some of the sleight of hand effects are included. For more of the advanced effects see one of our great books or DVDs on the cups and balls.
- Nicely boxed
This economy set is a bargain & provides you with the professional look you want. No where else will you find an aluminum cups & balls set INCLUDING PROFESSIONAL CROCHETED BALLS at such a great price!